Sunday, December 21, 2008

sleeping pills and wal-mart.

i do not advise taking 150mg of trazodone and attempting to function the next day without a full 8 hours of sleep. i also do not advise going to wal-mart in such a condition as the amount of meth heads you will encounter will more than likely make you have an anxiety attack. i would also tell you that showering at this time may become dangerous as you might try to wash your body with face wash or forget to use shaving cream and severely cut your legs. walking in such a state may in fact result in various falls that will leave you bloody and bashed. trying to eat a meal may also be a concern as it is very possible that you will repeatedly miss your mouth when trying to shovel in food. the very last thing that i will warn you about would be playing board games as your mind is not nearly as clear as it should be and it may appear that you suddenly acquired one extra chromosome.

*these are just some things that i found to be true, other bodies may respond differently and data is subject to change.

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