Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i hate these kinds of posts but, yikes, i love my boyfriend.

he is wonderful.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

i have a job and have had one for three weeks now. it's nice, and my first paycheck will be nice too.

tomorrow will mark the one year point for me. one year since i tried to erase my own existence, off myself, if you will. tomorrow is also earth day which i find to be a fantastic coincidence. i told myself that i would give it a year, and if i still wasn't satisfied with life i would end mine once and for all. well life is good, even when life sucks it's still good. i'm stoked about that. i know that i have become a different person in the past 10 months and i am also pretty excited about that. i upgraded to chrissy 2.0, you should download it if you haven't already. it's a much more rad, less buggy version. we've taken the crazy out all together, by popular demand of course. we've decided to keep everything you loved, mostly the sarcasm and ridiculously good looks. check it out, i find it to be working just fine.